Things Aren’t Funny Anymore

January 23, 2012 at 23:13


Things Aren’t Funny Anymore

I’ve been strumming on my guitar so long…..
Trying to write me a brand new song,
So I could sing on the radio.
It’s been so long since I’ve had some money…
My wife and kids are going hungry.
Things aren’t funny anymore.

I sold my house, I sold my car.
People say, “Just how far will he go to make the music scene?”
Just think about the rhinestone cowboy….
How he walked the streets of Broadway.
Things aren’t funny anymore.

Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny anymore.

I walked into a recording station, just to get someone to listen….
Maybe someday I would be a star.
They told me I would never make it,
Go home and just forsake it.
Things aren’t funny anymore.

Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny anymore.

I said my song would never die……
I’ve got to give it one more try…..
Music is in the heart of me.
I’ve worked so long but what went wrong?
I guess it just wasn’t quite my time.
Oh, things aren’t funny anymore.

Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny anymore.

Here I am on the radio; even got my own TV show
And they’re calling me on the telephone.
I said, “Someday I would be a star”,
Can’t even get to my car,
Oh, things aren’t funny anymore.

Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny anymore.
Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny, Things aren’t funny anymore.

Music by: Russ Marsh
Lyrics by: Russ Marsh
© Copyright by Russ Marsh 1996